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Checchi & Magli Wolf Pro Transplanter

Checchi & Magli transplanters feature a unique delivery system that allows plants to be placed in the soil in a perfectly upright position, from 6 inches apart, to 20 inches apart. Land wheel drive assures very accurate plant placement. All models have a variety of shoes available for different size plants. Tray racks and carousels, shade canopy, lights are just a few of the accessories available. Water systems that deliver a measured amount directly to the plant can be incorporated (with or without a tank).

Checchi & Magli Wolf Transplanters - Through plastic and bare ground. Standard plants, trays, and cubes.

The Wolf transplanter line has revolutionized plastic mulch transplanting. With a variety of optional equipment, like water injection, these machines are easily adaptable to different needs.

Wolf models feature a unique planting cup that perforates the plastic, then accurately places each plant.

Smartly designed to situate the operator's weight on the frame, not the transplanting unit.

Wolf Pro units work great with any plastic mulch including biodegradable film.

Checchi & Magli Wolf Pro vegetable transplanter

Checchi & Magli Wolf Pro Transplanter


Designed for the comfort of the operator, Wolf Pro can plant rows 20-inches apart. Plant spacing is determined by the number of spades being used. The redesigned planting assembly makes replacing and moving cups a breeze, making spacing changes quick and efficient.

The recently introduced SEEDPRO attaches directly to the Wolf Pro, converting it to a through-plastic seed planter.

Wolf Pro is ideal for transplanting melons, pepper, pumpkin, squash; any through-plastic transplant

Planting spacing range: 10-inches to 79-inches

Minimum row-unit to row-unit spacing: 20-inches

Estimated production: dependent on the number of cups

Checchi & Magli Wolf Pro Compact vegetable transplanter

Checchi & Magli Wolf Pro Compact Transplanter


Meeting growers' demands for closer spacings, Wolf Pro Compact is designed to plant rows as close as 12-inches apart, with all the same features as Wolf Pro.

Wolf Pro Compact is ideal for transplanting pepper, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli; any close-spacing, through-plastic transplant

Plant spacing range: 10-inches to 79-inches

Estimated production: dependent on the number of cups